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Traditional Teachings

When I was a little girl, my grandfather told me that people are going to forget their relations. At the time I thought, “oh goodness, we are going to forget who our aunts, uncles, and cousins are!” But then I started to learn more. I learned that Creator gave life to the human beings, the four-legged, the winged ones, the water creatures, the insect people, the plant people, and the tree people. He gave life to everything - and we are all equal in the eyes of Creator.

So my grandfather was meaning to say that the humans forgot that we were related to everything on Earth. Human beings seem to think the world was made for them. No. We are just a part of the world. In order to live on this Earth, we must understand what it means to say all my relations. This means knowing that we are equal to everything on Earth that has life. These are the traditional teachings we will delve into further.

Daphie Pooyak

Your Instructor:

Identifying as a Nakota Cree traditional teacher, and cultural advisor. Daphie comes from Sweetgrass First Nation located in central Saskatchewan. Mother of 5 children and grandmother of 4 grandchildren. Over the course of 20 years she has worked as a professional educator specializing in cultural education, and land based learning.

-Working in the area of addictions, healing and trauma.

In recent years she has facilitated several presentations throughout Canada, USA and Mexico on healing trauma, natural law and traditional medicine. Some notable events happened in 2015 where Daphie was asked to join in prayer and speak and “World Peace & Prayer Day '' in Oregon. “The Parliament of World Religion '' hosted by the United Nation in Salt Lake City. Her passion remains to her roots, in hosting traditional survival camps over the past 10 years in her community Sweetgrass First Nation.

Daphie has been taught traditional storytelling, and healing from an early age and continues her practice in traditional healing and wellness.

Daphie Pooyak


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