Discover the magical world of natural dyeing on silk and cotton using fresh and dried flowers.
In this 2.5 hour workshop we will use raw plant matter such as fresh wildflowers, roses, fresh herbs, dried natural dyes from teas and flowers and natural dye extracts from the facilitators personal studio collection to dye 100% silk pieces, creating a range of beautiful dye colors.
Experience the playful power of plant color in the form of soft and vibrant yellows, earthy and cosmic greens, unique turquoises and blues, lilac and bold purples and majestic pinks and corals.
The bundle dye process is unique and truly magical. Participants will receive a in-depth how-to educational process throughout the workshop, highlighting specific techniques to apply to their own at home practice. A myriad of topics, methods and techniques will be discussed throughout the workshop from plant pigment to natural dye methods and an e-book will be provided to all participants following the workshop!
No previous experience is required, Ages 10+ are welcome to participate.11:30am-2:00pm
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